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my dog

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firewatch | 10:13 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | Animals & Nature
43 Answers
Kept me company all night, I slept downstairs as i was half expecting my husband to be back very late with our little one as she simply would not settle.
So i slept downstairs in the living room on a bed made of sofa cushions and my daughters large cwtchy blanket. Sprite moved his cushion so he was next to me and every so often gave me a nudge or if i moved a gentle pat with his paw as if to reassure me.
For all his faults he truly is my little man :)


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Tilly, I love your avatar. Is it one of your dogs?
What a little darling Lottie, I could just tickle her tum ! I can't do pics and stuff (not very technical), but my boy is a big cuddly black and tan hairy lump with the most beautiful eyes and when he looks at me, I'm gone .....
Yes it is LL. That's the original Tilly Trotter.
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Bed nobs that was the spaniel, Lucky, Sprites our black lab <seen here with his sign of shame, I love him to pieces and hes been good company today apart from destroying titches plastacine spider!
Why didn't you just sleep in your own bed and is this another dog as I thought your previous dog was dangerous?
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because my door nob for a hubby didnt leave me a key to the back door so thats why i slept downstairs, sprite is normally in a crate but i let him off this once and it was ok. We had two dogs at one point sprite and lucky, lucky was the vicious one sprite likes to lick and round children up thinking they are sheep and makes sure amelia is ok before she goes to bed :)
My mutts are usually after something when they 'ingratiate' themselves with me. One comes over to my chair, sits down, turns her back to me, shuffles her bum up against my foot and expects me to tickle her head.

The other one then comes up, lies on his back and sticks a paw up towards me which means I end up holding his paw whilst tickling the other one's head. I don't know...worse than kids,they are!
But wonderful ......
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mines asleep next to me im just waiting for him to trump!
You would not have that affection of a cat
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I dont know, Marmi used to be a very affectionate kitty!
My daughter's cat is the same with me, she curls up on the sofa beside me and nudges my hand when she wants a pat or a little attention, just like a wee dog.
Your family's absence brought out his protective side, so lovely.
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They got back and as soon as he saw our daughter they went mad seeing each other rolling round having a wrestle whilst i sorted supper!
Our dogs and two cats actually have a fairly good relationship, although our little female tortie can be a right little s**t to our male dog but not to the bitch. Our little ginger tom loves our old collie bitch and thinks that she's his surrogate mum - she's not so keen on that idea!
The Oldies Club specialise in rehoming older dogs, they also need people to foster them while they are assessed and homes found. Google it and there are loads of dogs on there, as they advertise dogs for other charities too if they are old and not getting any enquiries.
I only wish we had more room etc to have some more dogs and cats - it's so heart rending to hear of so many being put to sleep simply because people can't be bothered to home them. Each to his own I suppose?
Trish and I have talked about it and if we do get another dog it will be a rescue, but you can't lose a family member on Monday and buy a new on Tuesday,no matter how much you miss them.
We once went about 8 months without dogs or cats - it was probably like having withdrawal symptoms from smoking or drinking, I guess. Then I 'cracked', got another mutt, then two more moggies, then a second dog - again.

We'd never go that long again, but don't forget that you wouldn't be disrespecting the memory of one which just passed away by getting another soon after - you'd be giving the next one the loving home your last one had. Well, that's how I look at it, there are always loads of them looking for a good home.
All mine and my family's dogs have been rescues. I took an older one on this time, he was six when I got him from RSPCA, poor lad he was skin and bone and scared of his own shadow, but you should see him now - my pride and joy !
Awww bless, that's so sweet. There's no love like it. Make me come over all emotional, so it does.

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