Odd one out in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Odd one out

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noeljmoran | 13:22 Wed 08th Jun 2005 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers

Relatively speaking which is the odd one out?

Parsley, Parsnip, Carrot, Turnip

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Parsley? The others are root vegetables

I would have though the same.
parsley and carrots are definitely related, so it's not that.

Turnip is a Brassica (cabbage family)

the others are carrot family (Apiaceae)

I had to look up the name of the carrot family (it wasn't Jasper)

parsley is a herb the rest are veg

No boodle, the answer cannot be parsley.  FP is correct because the question starts with the words Relatively Speaking.
Parsley, Parsnip and Carrot are all related and as FP says, Turnips are Brassicas.

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