I have two hens that come visiting nearly every day. They are quite large, gingery and fat, with webbed feet. I thought hens had scratchy claws. Don't know who they belong to, they arrive through a small access path that runs along the bottom of my garden, but trample over the flower beds. I don't know anything at all about them, what sort of hens are they for a start? Daren't tell MrAsk when they visit because he has designs on them for our next dinner.
I couldn't believe it looking at those great webbed feet, they really are chickens/hens though, but big tall fat ginger birds with red wattles wafting about, (Janet Street Porter springs to mind). I'll have to google to see what kind they are. Flattened my flowers though.
No duck-like features apart from the three webbed toes, and fortunately Mr Fox hasn't visited yet it's usually late autumn nights when I've seen him around. The hens usually appear during the day. I'm getting good at "Come on girls off you go" and herding them back the way they came. Neighbours must think I'm potty if they hear me talking to them.
I couldn't find anything about webbed feet, these are just run of the mill albeit big hens, not left me any eggs yet. OH said one was a cockerel but it didn't have the tail feathers. I looked up hens earlier the silkies are lovely.
lol, MrAsk has been looking at them closely, I think he's weighing them up and can literally see them ready roasted on the table with stuffing and cranberry sauce.