my 3 puddy tats are waifs and eldest was found on my birthday 12 years ago. she was clearly living outdoors, covered in fleas and ticks and was so skinny. i took her home and loved her....and she has loved us all back. my middle puss was rescued from someone who was overrun with cats....she was one of 13. 3 years on, she still pigs food like it is going out of fashion and demands love quite violently and it is given in spades. my littlest moggie was also a foundling. my friend kept feeding her for a couple of weeks and despite searching, no owner was found. as she had dogs, we took her into our home. she is like a little baby and comes to bed with us every night. she hates being left alone and needs lots of cuddles. all three of our cats rule our roost.....but we wouldn't have it any other way. they are all loved and i'm proud to have rescued they are now an integral part of our family x