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Your condolences if you please....

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B00 | 09:13 Thu 01st Nov 2012 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
For my local vet, who's now been left with a giant, hissing ball of furious rage, otherwise known as Indi my cat who's gone in to be neutered.

It was nice knowing you Mr Vet!


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Hopefully he has gone some industrial strength gauntlets that reach to the armpits, and a full set of body armour.
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It was like something from a comedy. Im walking up with this box that was going ballistic in my arms and screaming, everyone staring, was very very embarrassing.

I also did not like the look in her eyes as I was leaving, I swear it said "oh you'll keep lady, you'll keep....!

I'm very scared!
My vet would sympathise. One of my dogs - who loves people but hates vets - has to be anaesthetised to have his claws clipped! His has to be the most expensive manicure ever!!
Oh noooo....she'll have to wear an anti scratch collar.
She'll appreciate it when she gets home and you're looking after her.
A couple of days after we got our first dog castrated he was licking himself - my mum said "look, he's looking for his balls - you're a bad mother!".

I am sure that she will forgive you - eventually. You may have to change vets though.

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