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Flea Spot

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Pollypeptide | 13:43 Wed 28th Nov 2012 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Whenever I get the flea spot out my dog runs and hides. What is he afraid of? Does the stuff sting when applied to his skin? Is it the smell he doesn't like. Having spoken to one or two other dog owners they report the same reaction. What's the problem.

One person said he only had to think about getting the stuff out and his dog would disappear into the garden with his taile between his legs. Must have been telepathic!


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He likes the fleas perhaps !
Never used to bother Max, he'd just sit there and accept it like a good boy, probably because he always got a treat with it.
My dog is ok but my cat will run off. When I put it on him his skin twitches and he fights to get away. He will then roll on the grass
believe it feels cold on the skin pollypeptide. take your time doing it and give lots of treats -
I have one dog that hates it and one that don't mind, maybe some dogs, like some humans, have a sensitive skin and it stings.
Once I had a cat who I swear could tell if I even thought about the drawer that I kept the Frontline in. But my current manager-cat could not give one about the exact same stuff.
i have to wrestle with all 3 of my cats to deflea them. they always run off and come back later to stare at me and give me evils! i guess some pets just don't like it.....when i take one of my cats to the vets, i have to actually tip the basket up to get her out! it looks a bit odd to say the least...but i'm sure the vets have seen worse! x
it could also be that if they actually do have the odd flea or two when you treat them the stuff makes the fleas goes mad for a while (bit like flies when you use spray) and your pet may remember this discomfort. My cat gets really foul when I do her, I can smell it quite strongly so it could be the smell (and cold wet feeling).
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Thanks for the response. Some interesting theories.

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