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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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That's wonderful news Jno.I'm so pleased for you both.
It's a huge relief when you get that sort of news.
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I look forward to the long line of complications coming to an end too. Jauncice, fluid retention, kidney stones have all been disruptive.

Come to that the whole thing may have been a complication from the original problem, which was a stomach ulcer back in 2017.
Jno,you must feel limp with relief. Shaney I tend to have them on in the daytime when I am sitting down sorting, then I take a break and do lugging stuff to where it should be then I watch some more. Wave to Robi, I hope the cold weather isn't getting to you....wave to Neti, have you killed your neighbour yet?
Congratulations to OH know. Well done. onwards and upwards now.
I binge watch the very old Corrie on youtube every night before I sleep and yes it's just one more, as you say Shaney its 2am!
We do not mention neighbours anymore! Woofy, although I had a surprise text from the company saying they are not giving up yet and am coming on Monday to see what else can be done. Girl in the shop said it was a bad neighbour day yesterday as other people were complaining about theirs too! I felt slightly better but as Mr N says we didn't have fibre optic last week so it doesn't matter if we don't get it next week!
Very. old and so windy today. Half my patio furniture moved itself to other places and we next doors washing was leaving the line. I was hoping it would land in my garden and, not knowing who's it was I would have to stash it in shed! I would of course be deaf to any questions!! Now I mustn't get all bitter and twisted on this joyous day!
* cold and windy* although old does spring to mind!!
old and windy, that'd be me.
Yes me too jno!
good morning all. We are having a slow start and a lazy day here. I have spent most of the last three days sorting and moving boxes of paper and card and my muscles feel like nothing on earth today. A nice lady, who does craft at a local residential home where her late Mum was cared for, is coming tomorrow to collect three bags of stuff I no longer have a use for and that will make a huge difference. I had a phase when shopping was a comfort and I guess better clothes and craft materials than alcohol or drugs but that's enough now, its time to move on and let go of what I won't use. Hope everyone is well. Its damp and misty here and not so cold.
I've had a big washday, all beds and bathroom stuff and Mr Ns house clothes. Beautiful sunny day but chilly. I boight a pair of fringed boits today in beige. I already have q pair in black, and bought hija a pair yesterday, so thought as they are vastly reduced I'd get another pair!!
Made meatballs and spaghetti for dinner.
OH has had another all-clear, this time for a skin thingy (sarcoma?) on the face which was removed a few weeks back; they've confirmed it's all gone.
Better and better jno!
excellent Jno!
Oh dear, my 26 yr old niece has been rushed to Hastings hospital with a flashing police car as she has an ectopic pregnancy even tho on the pill. I don't know much about these things but hope she'll be ok. She already has 2 boys and didn't want anymore so she may not be too heartbroken if she can't have anymore, but then you never know do you. I changed my mind at 41 and had the choice. She probably won't.
oh dear, neti, I hope she's all right.
Neti I will pray for your niece.
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Sorry to hear that Neti .I do hope she will ok.
Pleased you have more good news Jno.♫Things can only get better♫
Have spent ages today setting up new Virgin box. Nightmare, but think we have it sorted now.Plugging in it was the easy bit.Navigating round the new layout not so easy.Navigating round new phone also confusing.
somebody's holding a birthday party upstairs, an adult one, I can hear them singing Happy Birthday. I don't know if they're dancing the Mashed Potato or playing Twister, but it's quite noisy.
bang on the ceiling with a broom! Dogs and I were roused at 6 this morning by much crashing and banging caused by the weather.
Niece had a scan today and it appears she has miscarried this ectopic pregnancy. She has to go back to hospital on Tuesday.
Normal quiet day here.

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