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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Morning. Just had nails done a opally grey/pink. Quite nice. Have now replaced all my old frying pans in all sizes so they dont make the cooker top dirty!
Beautiful sunny day here. Tonight we are participating in the local "rutapa" which means going round the bars and getting a drink and a big tapas for 2.50€. I will only at best manage 4! But its exciting.
my nails are already opally grey-pink, should I be paying someone?

I like the sound of a rutapa, but I think the British would only overdo it.

Osteo has been and sorted out necks and backs, so we are totally geared up for Christmas.
my nails are a fetching mix of pink and grubby.Waiting for the sainsburys delivery. Waitrose tomoz and then all done
Well sod that rutapa. Half of the stated places were closed and in one we felt like we were on food stamps. Went to one place twice and they were so nice. Then the chef gave two free cups of delicious veg and cumin soup. We had hysterics as I'm sure we looked homeless. And there was I with my pink hair!! Never again.
Home now and in warm bed with cat sprawled over my legs!
that's not very ho ho ho
oh, that's not a very good rutapa. Maybe they do them better in Dunstable after all.
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Morning all
Dull day but at least it's dry.It hammered down last night.
That doesn't sound very cheerful at all Neti.I expect you were glad to get home.
I watched Lucy last night with her re-creation of Queen Victoria's wedding.It was very good.I'm hoping to get her latest book for Christmas. I've dropped enough hints :)
Hope you're all ok .
Morning all...what day is it? The use by on my chs is Feb 5th...that sounds good to me. My head's all over the place and I've remembered it's a full moon tonight. I sat in the half dark yesterday morning getting lotioned and potioned after a shower and realised I'd slapped gradual tan all over my backside, haha.....first time for everything, it's never seen the real sun. :)
Went shopping in town for odds and ends with my sister on Wed and it was quieter than last month. I was strangely drawn into the Swarovski shop and bought myself a sparkly ring with a bit of money I'd been saving for 'something to keep'.... It's the closest I'll get to the real deal until my Nigerian Prince pays up.

Nice bright morning after an awful day yesterday. The wildlife in my garden seems to be pairing up early...two squirrels, two robins, two wood pigeons.
I watched the animal thing on channel 5 last night but was disappointed that one of the charities was the RSPCA. I've never heard a good word for them. I'll watch Lucy on catch up.

yes, Lucy was a lot of fun and it was very interesting as well.

Didn't sleep for a moment last night, got up and went to Tesco sometime around 6am, came home and pottered for a while then went back to bed. As a result don't know if I am coming or going. Friend of OH is dropping by in a minute, I had better just go into hiding till I can string a few sentences together.
Hello. Been a gorgeously hot day
We pottered round the shops and at least hot our turkey and.lots of cheeses from lidl. Wensleydale , cheddar and white stilton and loads of nice stuff.

Had a few drinks in the sun then home. Love my pale pink hair.
May watch the new Watership down on BBC tonight but cant be doing with sadness!
Hija should arrive on Sunday if her flights from Basel to Barcelona and on to Ibiza are all on time

I've told Mr N that I want a Venetian blind for my xmas present! It's for glass kitchen door. I'm not one of these women who want gold or perfume but wouldnt refuse either!!
all I want for Christmas is a new back tooth ... a crown has just fallen out, complete with the pin. I think this needs cementing back in pronto, otherwise there's a hole in the root where the pin was and that could get infected. I'm waiting for a call from the 111 people to see how imminent death is.
sigh ... rang my regular dentists, they couldn't see me till the 31st, so the 111 people have booked an appointment for me this evening ... at my regular dentists. Is there an :-) emoji with a gap in it?
no but there should be. We are DONE. Can just slob around and eat chocolate until christmas day and then we will have to get serious and slob around and eat chocolate.
huh, I can't even eat a handful of crisps witout my mouth falling out. This will be about the fourth time in the last dozen years I've had to go rushing to the dentist just before Christmas.
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That's very annoying for you Jno .I hope they fix it for you and you can enjoy your Christmas dinner.
Services go to pot this time of year.Mr S went to pick up my prescription yesterday and it wasn't there and I had ordered it last Monday so I rang the surgery and they hadn't pinged it over to Superbug so am without my muscle relaxant tabs until new years eve now. I'll just have to drink more Baileys :)
Oh dear shaney hope your muscles can relax! Our meds are on a c/card type thing and always in stock.
Oh jno, I only two chewing teeth but am surviving. Hope you get them sorted. What a bunch we are!
Hi woofy yes just keep eating the chocolates

Robi hope your head is settle now with the full moon.

tooth stuck back in but dentist doesn't think it has a long-term future. I suppose I had better start having implanty thoughts for the new year
Disaster Day!!
Washing machine packed up but luckily I married a plumber and he mended it and grumbled all the way through it
Moaned at the state of the laundry room so on top of everything else I had to have a clear out and took it to rubbish dump!
Did I mention that my 2nd f/freezer packed up just when it is absolutely packed. Anyway after a few hours Mr N found that it was only the fridge part of that saved all frozen stuff. Planned on buying an emergency one tomorrow. Then suddenly it all works again! We will still buy one but after xmas . Hija should arrive tonight if everything goes to plan!!
Lovely sunny day!

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