Reggie the cockrel and his girls- he's great, feisty little chap, really loving them. The rest are ex caged ladies except Beyonce whose a black Orpington. I like chickens- might get some silkies, they're nice and freaky :)
I have five HENS sorry but this is my bug bear lol! hens lay eggs which if fertilized produce chickens which either get eaten or grow into
HENS that produce eggs
I -- or rather my Mum -- does. The flock, such as it is, is now four strong, although I no longer know any of them. So very cute they can be. My favourite, Ginny, had this wonderful habit of jumping up on your lap as soon as you sat down nearby. And then dozing off there... I miss her.
Fertilised eggs are either eaten, yumm, sat on and don't hatch- chuck em away, hatch and are ladies- more eggs-yumm, or hatch and are blokes- bad luck lads- yumm:)
We had chickens as the children grew up, but our lifestyle at the moment is no good for keeping them.
We plan to retire in the next five years and will certainly be looking at keeping them again. X
the lady next door asked me if I minded her keeping chickens ( she now has 3) I said "I don't mind the hens but I do not want to be woken by a cock"
Not sure who went red first, me or her.