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Swifts Gone?

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Mags22 | 11:21 Wed 20th Aug 2014 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Just noticed that there are no swifts swirling around as they have been, will the suddenly cool weather have fooled them into going home early?


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Ours are still here,we've had a really good year for them with as many as a hundred or so perched on the telephone lines,don't know where they come from as I've not seen a nest round the estate for years but they do seem to like our phone lines.
Ours are still around too. Maybe they've just moved their feeding area. Sometimes ours will seem to disappear for a couple of days, then they reappear.
It'll be swallows perching on your telephone lines paddywak. Swifts never perch. Apart from breeding they spend all their time in the air, even sleeping.
Still a few here in the local park. I always miss them when they go.

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Swifts Gone?

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