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Light Years Away

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Ape | 19:20 Mon 12th Feb 2001 | Animals & Nature
1 Answers
Does any know distances to the planets? Miles, clicks or light seconds will do!


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Mercury is 57.9 million km, away from the sun. Venus is 108.2 million km, away from the sun. Earth is 150 million km, away from the sun. Mars is 227.9 million km, away from the sun. Jupiter is 778.3 million km, away from the sun. Saturn is 1427 million km, away from the sun. Uranus is 2867 million km, away from the sun. Neptune is 4495 million km, away from the sun. Pluto is 5890 million km, away from the sun. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted, but it's the best I can do!

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Light Years Away

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