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owl's home

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steveho | 16:43 Wed 07th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
does anyone know what the name of an owls home is called?cheers


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A tree?

I would say nest, hole, or borrow maybe....try searchin the net for specifics...

Depending on the variety of owl, it could be called a roost, or nest.  However, the Burrowing Owl actually lives in, as the name implies, a burrow in the earth.  They have also been reffered to in some writings as warrens, although uncommon.
It has always annoyed me that there is a 'Proper way' to describe the home of an animal, as eg. Otter's Holt, Badger's Set , Fox's Earth , Squirrel's Drey. I once asked a squirrel what HE called his home--he answered ''EEK'' or something very similar. Owls nest, but they don't actually live there, just raise their Chicks.

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owl's home

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