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Odd Insect

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Mags22 | 12:29 Sat 11th Apr 2015 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Just spotted an odd insect in my flower tub, 1/2" long, glossy black, with white spots, can't tell if it had wings as it crept under a bushy plant. Can't find it in my insect book, any ideas what it is?


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Have you looked at Longhorn beetle? they are an accidental imported pest and should be reported apparently
13:19 Sat 11th Apr 2015
Can you narrow it down a bit, did it have a roundish body like a ladybird or was it longer and thinner. Could you see antenna? Did you assume it was some kind of beetle?
Have you looked at Longhorn beetle? they are an accidental imported pest and should be reported apparently
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Thanks Prudie, you could be right about the longhorn beetle, couldn't see if it had antenna as it vanished under the violas, haven't spotted it again (it rained) but will have a better look tomorrow
This is a great sight Mags, you might find it in here

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