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Cat Food Pouches - How Many?

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237SJ | 17:34 Fri 15th May 2015 | Animals & Nature
28 Answers
How many Felix pouches does your cat eat in a day? My cat is a tiny little thing and she scoffs for England. She can easily polish off three pouches a day and is always badgering me for more. The vet doesn`t think she has an overactive thyroid (although he hasn`t done a blood test)


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Mine would have one in the morning, one in the evening and a plentiful supply of dried food inbetween for them to have should they want the extra, and for a bit of variety.

They would soon let me know if they wanted more. I didn't like the thought of leaving much out which wasn't going to be eaten shortly, wet food anyway, especially in warmer weather, such as being harassed as if you hadn't fed them for a month, they give it a sniff then just walk off, as cats do...
Most cats eat about 400g per day. That's 1 can of cat food or 4 of those ridiculously over-priced pouches.

I've got 2 large cats, 2 smallish ones and 1 tiny one. They usually get through 4 x 400g cans each day, plus some dried food, so that's roughly in line with 1 can (or 4 pouches) per cat per day. [That, of course, ignores the Dreamies that they also get every day, plus occasional sardines and other treats!].

I'd regard 3 pouches per day (plus some occasional treats as well) for a small cat as perfectly normal and even possibly on the low side.
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Thanks for the replies. Sounds like she is normal then. Yes, the pouches are expensive but they are convenient (I don`t like the idea of putting opened tins of cat food in my fridge). Having said that, it would probably be cheaper.
My mum used to get those plastic lid things that you could put over the top of a part used can to put in the fridge, if that would make any difference?

I should say mine had plenty of treats too! Should clarify too that I meant per cat.
>>>Having said that, it would probably be cheaper

Change 'probably' to 'definitely'!

6 cans of cat food costs £1.99 in Aldi. (£2 in Morrison's, £2.28 in Lidl, £2.35 in Sainsbury's, £2.45 in Tesco, £2.50 in Asda & Waitrose). So that's around 33p [in Aldi or Morrison's] per can, making it equivalent to around 8p per pouch.
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Eve - yes, I`ve seen them. I suppose it would be a bit cheaper to use tinned food when I am here. When I am not here, the cat feeder who comes in puts a pouch in each section of the automatic cat feeding machine so for that, pouches are easier. I do leave out Go Cat and Iams for the cat as well, but she doesn`t touch them. I think she`s just a pig. I have inherited her from my Mum and Mum taught her to scrounge. She literally sits over me when I eat and tries to drag food off my plate.
PS: If you don't want to keep cat food in the fridge, just get more cats! I usually put out 2 full cans at a time, so there's nothing left to be stored!

Nothing worse than leftover cat food though, especially when it has to be binned and goes rancid and the smell is just vile, not nice festering, even in an outside bin.
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That`s why I use Felix as Whiskers tends to stink.
3 pouched daily between 2 cats, they also have dried food and treats.
My puss is a small cat and eats on average between three and four pouches a day and he also has a tray of biscuits he can snack on if he needs it. He is 3.5 kilos and the vet is happy with his weight.
the 6 here are a fickle bunch - one day they love felix (or whiskas, gourmet, purina, whatever), but the next they won't even sniff it.

so they're being slowly weaned on to biscuits, they get pouches every 2-3 days as more of a treat to supplement the biccies. they do still get sunday roast scraps, which they love....
Type Your Answer Here...ow is the training going SJ?
My two easily get through 3 or 4 each a day plus they will only eat the top of the range expensive as good as it gets Felix. Yes I know they'd eat anything if they were starving but they are so fussy they will leave ordinary Felix in the bowl all day uneaten. Then I have to throw it away.
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Thanks for the replies. Wolf - the cat has settled in really well and the automatic feeding machine topped up by a pet feeding service is going sucessfully. I hate the night time visits though. The bloody cat wakes me up at 5 am and then again a couple of hours later. She gets on the bed and puts her face in mine and walks across the pillows which I don`t like. If I shut her out she howls and scratches the door down. It` going to be a real problem when I have to work all night and have been up since 5 that morning because of the cat. I might have to shut her in the living room which will probably drive her mad.
I don't work so the nightly visits don't annoy me so much. Frankie cuddles up to me in bed and is no problem but Merlin nuzzles my hand or head-butts any part of me she can reach. She has to be constantly petted and if I stop and start to fall asleep she starts the head-butting and wet nose act again.

Good luck with the attempt at leaving her in the livingroom. There is something about a screaming cat that is hard to ignore. Maybe put the TV or radio on for her.

I was always told that cats were easy to care for - they can be bullies when they don't get what they want when they want it. This is a massive change for both of you, your lives have been turned upside down - adapting to it will take time.

My friend has just adopted a rescue cat, he's about a year and a half and now named Brian. He won't touch wet food in any form, only eats cat biscuits and looks completely baffled if you offer him a Dreamie or a bit of Webbox stick. Never met a cat like him.
My small, female, 14-yr-old cat eats half a pouch per day with a handfulo of dried food. She often leaves some of the dried stuff these days. Just been to vet for annual jabs and she checks out absolutely fine and fit.
>>>The bloody cat wakes me up at 5 am and then again a couple of hours later

That's what I call a proper cat ;-)

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