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Animal Bedding

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megfitz | 07:53 Mon 22nd Jun 2015 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
I've been told that an animal charity can use my old non-feather duvet, is this right and if so how do I get it to them, do they use pillows as well.??
Having a major review of bedding now my children have left home.


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Why don't you ring your local vet? They would advise what's suitable - our local vet's advertising for blankets and towels at the moment. Whatever they use has to be washable.

You might be better giving your items to (say) a homeless charity?
When I was having a clear out the local RSPCA place wasn't interested so I then tried the local hedgehog rescue and they only wanted fleeces as the are easily washed and quickly dried.

A homeless shelter may well be more welcoming of your donation.

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Animal Bedding

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