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bonnie (the pregnant dog) for eels

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waterhouse | 21:34 Tue 20th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

ok, i took bonnie back to the vets, they said she is around 8 weeks pregnant.

sunday morning she had a white discharge, monday she had one discharge in the morning and one in the afternoon.

tuesday (today) she has had two discharges, but she is licking herself alot, she just doesnt seem to be settled at all, she is up and down like a yo yo!

do you think this could be the start of labour, i mean that is alot of milky coloured discharges!

please let me know....thanks



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this is a great site but you would probably be better to go on a dog forum where there are more people who have bred dogs. Hope it happens soon

Hard to say, really.  Have you managed to get yourself any help from the dog rescues?  I would hope they would be more able to support and advise you, and believe me, you'll need a bit of extra back-up once the little blighters arrive, it's exhausting (and that's assuming that everythng goes ok).

I really would recommend getting some help on hand if at all possible, so that if Bonnie has problems they can be identified quickly and dealt with appropriately.  However, you may find 'The Book of the Bitch' - google it - useful for advice on what to expect, dos and don'ts etc.  Try to read up as much as possible, you will not have time later!

We recently bred our dog with a pretty little bitch owned by some friends and so, from experience - get ready waterhouse - it should be any day now - good luck and let us know how you get on.
Hi waterhouse,has your dog had her pups yet?

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bonnie (the pregnant dog) for eels

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