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Furminator - Pet Fur Stripper

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Mr-H | 20:51 Thu 21st Jan 2016 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
I just wondered if anyone has used one of these, and what you thought of them. My wife and I are members of different dog FB sites. One seems to suggest 'best thing since sliced bread', the other, that they might even be dangerous to pets. I've seen the video on the manufacturer's web site and it all looks good. However ........ What say you folks?


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I had one for my wei and found it good but you have to use it carefully because its hard, not like a brush or mitt. You do have to be careful if your dog has for bumps or warty bits or scars but apart from that, I can’t see how they are dangerous? Did they say why they thought it was dangerous?
Brilliant specially with labs getting the undercoat out which is what causes the moulting.
Blimey, they're not cheap, are they?
I don't know about dogs, but I had one for my long haired cat and it was very good when he was moulting - couldn't believe the amount of loose hair that it removed.

Agree with woofgang - you do need to be careful as it's not flexible and it would be very easy to 'dig in' unless you're gentle.
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Thanks. Evidently dangerous in this instant is not a 'danger to live' but more a possibility of cutting, or drawing blood, which, if the the dog has bumps etc, sounds a possibility. Will possibly still go ahead and buy one, but use it with care. Thank you all.
ExceIIent for dogs with an undercoat that needs to be got out and my GSD who mouIts aII year round. They are not suitabIe for dogs that need cIipping such as PoodIes or BedIingtons as they wouId rip the coat out.
Like Lankeela I had a GSD who never seemed to stop moulting and it did an excellant job
Brilliant! I have a retriever and I am so happy I discovered them, they're amazing! I'd recommend one to any animal with long, thick hair. I don't use it on his head or the fronts of his legs because that's short hair, but other than that, I can't praise it enough

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