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Cats Meet Their Oners After A Long Time

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pastafreak | 18:03 Sat 13th Feb 2016 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
The second one sounds just as manic as Caspar. Media URL:


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... Media URL:
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Thanks mamya...sometimes YouTube links refuse to work on my tablet.
it's the 'm.' I think.
That second cat is very vocal Pasta. Is Caspar's little sister a quiet young lady?

They are all strange, all of them !
Did you see that programme Cats V Dogs that was on tv the other night? Much as I love cats, I`m not sure they love their "owners" that much
My two are indoor cats and I suppose that I am their supplier of food, drink, toys and entertainment. I don't know if they love me but they trust me and that's okay.

I am off to sleep soon and the cats are settling down in their beds. They usually end up migrating to my bed.

Night crazy cat people
I wish I still had my little pussycat sleeping next to me. I miss her. Night Wolf.
That was a lovely clip. I don't have cats any more, but my two used to follow me solemnly around the house and curl on up either side of my head when I lay down for a nap. I miss them.
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I wish my monsters were "solemn"... they are both vocal...Caspar is the worst. He shouts. Amber makes a very plaintive "mew" and follows me everywhere and is super affectionate. Never settles, and gets under my feet! I'm always afraid I'll kick her on the dark.
I'm confused by the title of your post.

Whether it be 'oners' (sic) or 'owners', no cat has ever had one. Cats simply have slaves!
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Eek!...the one time I don't check for typos. Shame on me...but you knew what I meant. ;-)

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Cats Meet Their Oners After A Long Time

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