Big Spiders in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Big Spiders

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alexsparkles | 16:06 Tue 20th Aug 2002 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
I've heard that Big spiders don't spin webs. So what is the point of them apart from reproduction and scaring humans?
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I beleive they do but the web is considerably bigger than any other spider.
There are some large species of spider who are more proactive predators - they pursue their prey and paralyse and digest it, rather than waiting for the prety to stray into a web.
Big spiders do not spin webs, the trantula live in a burrows and hunt mice and other creatures.
I agree with Andy and I disagree with unabashed
The Australian bush spider, which grows up to a couple of inches across the body certainly does spin webs - frequently across driveways in suburban homes. Fortunately they are not venomous and you soon become used to watching the air in front of you!

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