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Kitten Update

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sherrardk | 22:07 Sat 26th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Cat now well and truly rules the roost! He can magically get any seat he wants regardless of who is sitting in it, he's given up pretending not to be in our bedroom and last night had the cheek to run over the bed when I was in it. His jumping skills have improved and he can get anywhere he wants. he's a terrible beggar for food and even tries to get in the cooker. And to top it off, he's taken a distinct liking to the kids' (ok, my) Lego collection. I think he's lush!


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"Lush", you from Bristol?
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No, from the valleys - the now madly named Cynon, Rhondda, Taff to be precise.
of course he rules the roost?
When were you in doubt about that?!!

Jumping skills have improved? - nope keep camera handy to capture the odd failure and be prepared to get 'the look'

Oh, and do not get caught by other humans when you are having a conversation with the cat, the humans think it's blinking hilarious !
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He's already done 'the look' - sliding down a sloped lid on a bookcase, when he got crud on his feet from walking on an oven dish, failing to catch a fly, etc. The other humans also talk to him, they're all smitten, even himself and eldest boy.
He's already done 'the look'

Hang on hang on, what's with the ''He's'' I know for a fact that '' The Look'' is a female trait ;-).

Glad he's settling in, sherr. Has he been up the curtains yet ?.
All as it should be then :)
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No curtains downstairs but he loves my tacky/brill (can't decide - its stringy bits with glitter in) fly curtain. I've never had a kitten before, just strays.
They like anything that dangles, sherr.
He knows he has you well trained, glad he is settling in so well.
I'm so glad kitty has settled in and is of course ruling the roost.
Cheap and easy and must have toys are drinking straws tied in a knot and the silver paper or purple paper rolled in a ball - my 4 always went mad for them!
Situation normal, then !! Lucky you, lucky cat :))
All is as it should be. :o}
Lovely, lovely. I want a cat! My last two were hilarious.
My two are still in their beds and there is no sign of them getting up.

Kittens are almost like cats, they have boundless energy, they defy the laws of physics and are too cute for their own good.

If I fits I sits is the motto.
I think I might have the worlds most boring cat. He's never really played, even as a little kitten, and if he's awake he just sits on the coffee table staring at me.

Oh...and he only lets me stroke him for about 10 minutes twice a week!
2 Of mine are currently sleeping in an ikea bag on a cushion!
1 is sleeping outside on the grass
The youngest is sleeping in the dogs bed and the dogs keep trying to get me to move him!!
Cats are wonderful creatures

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