You can actually buy a supplement from animal rights organisations which enables you to raise a veggie cat but it's expensive and time consuming! I've never done it - don't have cats - but I am aware of its existence.
It is also cruel to force a cat or dog for that matter to be a veggie and I would hope most veggies are not so bigoted to attempt it. I can't find the link at the moment but I seem to remember a recent case of the RSPCA getting involved in and attempt to create a veggie pet recently.
yes they can "survive" without you giving them meat (with the supplement) however, they will go out and catch their own! personally I don't think that its right to inflict our beliefs on our pets, if you don't approve of carnivoreism, them don't keep a cat!
completely agree woofgang, they are carnivores .... it is against nature to make them veggies!!! If you don't want any meat eaten in your house get a goldfish, or a stick insect! our cat gets gold stars, she stays away from the birdies but straight onto any spiders or flies :-D love it!
Try fish. My moggie lives on fish mostly tuna & salmon (tinned) & is healthy & in first class condition. I must say though that he is a master mouser so I cant say he wont eat meat but he ignores any other brands of cat food be it tinned or sachet type. I gave up trying 2 years ago & now just give him what he wants & NO, HE ISNT SPOILT.
yes cats can and dogs it keeps them healthy and living longer. but you can't cut out protien completely from meat as a cats diet should be 25% protien. it is a good idea as this is why human are living longer through a healthy balanced diet. I was reading something the other day about a 28 year old collie who was a vegan. cats are different to dogs and should have some meat in thier diet. not all cats want to eat veg tho what i do with my dog is i mix meat chunks into a salad.