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Blackbirds In Shed

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Blackbirdboxer | 16:23 Tue 22nd May 2018 | Animals & Nature
30 Answers
Hi i have blackbirds that have made a nest in my shed. I noticed a while ago theyd made a nest atop my punchbag in my shed and that there were eggs in. Ive wanted to use the bag but havnt as im a bit soft. Anyhoo the chicks have now hatched and are roaming along the floor of my shed. Im keeping my distance so as not to scare the parents away but i would like to have my shed back at somepoint as they are making quite a mess of it and ive also avoided cutting grass close to shed. When will it be safe to go in and clean up and claim my stuff back without the chicks dying?


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They need space to flap about and practice though which they may not have? I'd leave the door open in the day, dogs shouldn't be a problem it's cats that are biggest threat when they are at that fledgling stage - which should only be 2 or 3 days at most.
16:39 Tue 22nd May 2018
Aww you're lovely aren't you. It shouldn't be too long now as they'll soon be flying - they can get out, can't they ?
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Not sure if im writing this in the right place. No they cant get out as the door is shut and dont want to open it and scare them. Mum and dad are flying in and out through a gap where window should be. I also have a dog, a friendly dog but a dog nontheless. Arnt they safer staying in shed until they can fly?
Well they can get out if you have a gap where the window is and if this is where the parents come and go, this is eventually where they will fly out and like I said, it probably won't be long now.
They need space to flap about and practice though which they may not have? I'd leave the door open in the day, dogs shouldn't be a problem it's cats that are biggest threat when they are at that fledgling stage - which should only be 2 or 3 days at most.
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Thanks a lot people im a first time user cant believe the quick response. So if i open the door now and then go in and claim my stuff back in 5 days just to make sure theyl be fine i wont spook parents by opening door?
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Ive took prudies advice and opened shed. Two chicks are hopping round the garden getting fed. There were three eggs but only seen 2 chicks so far. Enjoying watching them thanks very much
I'm sure that they're tanking you for providing a nice safe nesting spot.

You do know that blackbirds can raise two broods, don't you? :-)
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I was not aware they can raise two broods. Im not too keen on that to be honest i want my shed back they are pooing all over. Just dont want them to die. So is it too late to stop them raising another brood or will they have laid eggs already?
Seal up the gap. They will not lay just yet...
I would think you could safely destroy the nest AFTER they've fledged to prevent a second brood. Doing so beforehand is actually against the law (See
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Canary 42 i have no intention of letting the fledglings die ive enjoyed watching them and felt good about helping them. Im an amateur boxer and theyv stolen my gym equipment lol. Im prepared to wait till they leave but dont wanna turn the shed into an avery at the same time
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So if i wait 3 days from now can i then go and remove nest without causing harm?
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Mum blackbird looks quite fat. Dont know if this means pregnant or if they lay eggs all the time like hens. Could i move the nest off my punch bag, and take out a few bits i need and then leave them to it. Will they still use nest or just leave at that point
They won't have another brood until they have finished feeding the current chicks.
You hvae my sympathy Blackbirdboxer - I have the same problem with my hedge - it has nesting blackbirds, blue tits, sparrows and goldfinch as far as I can determine, so I am unable to trim it.

And, worse than that, there's a Starling's nest in my house downpipe which now overflows every time it rains.

Moving an empty nest would be fine I would have thought - I don't think the law would be enacted for such a case, especially with your obvious caring nature.

I imagine that lots of (human) activity in the shed would also deter a second brood in that locality. You could try asking the RSPB for advice on their website
Great thread.... Reminded me of when I was a boy with Grandad on his allotment. He had a corner of his shed where he stacked and leaned his canes in. I would have only been about 5yrs old and remember him picking me up and showing me 5 beautiful blue eggs in the nest. He did without the canes until they had fledged and then used them for purpose. I remember asking whether the birds would be OK when the canes were gone, and he assuring me that they were now safe. Once that nest is empty claim, back your stuff and be thankful that you were chosen to be part of nature's great scheme.

What a nice person you are ...lots would just break the nest simply because it was in an inconvenient place, not caring about the birds so thank you on behalf of your feathered friends.

Canary ....I envy you and your hedge ....:))
So glad they are hopping about outside :-) The babies will not go back to the actual nest now they are out nor will the parents unless it's to start again. Birds don't live in nests unless they are having babies.
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Thanks everyone cant believe the response youve been great. So 2 chicks are roaming around the garden bathing in one of kids sledges ive set up for them but there were 3 eggs. Parents are still flying in and out of shed as well tending to the two chicks. Me and my girlfriend occasionally had a quick peek through window when they were still in nest and only ever saw 2. Whats chances of there being a third and could it be stuck theres a fair bit of junk in there
Go in and sit quietly and listen.

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