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Light On Aquarium

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wrayperson | 16:08 Sat 09th Jun 2018 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I bought a complete hood & l,e.d.Light for my Juwel 600 aquarium in January...the light seems to have dimmed quite a lot...anyone any ideas why?


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Clean all the connections and the light itself. it may be developing a film of algae on it. If that doesnt work it is probably faulty
If not take it back LED's should last for years.
Yep. LEDs do not like moisture. If you bought it new, take it back. You're entitled to a replacement or refund.
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thanks Wildwood, bit confused now..if L.E.D. don't like moisture why do they put them in aquariums.
Good question. LEDs are good for light but they should be properly sealed so no moisture can creep into the works. Being sealed means bad heat dissipation (yes, LEDs do emit some heat) so when switched off and cooling, any tiny compromise in the sealing will draw the in moisture. The LEDs made for underwater will be totally sealed but, the cheaper ones made with plastic covering don't seem to last too long.

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Light On Aquarium

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