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tamborine | 02:08 Sat 17th Oct 2020 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
infestation under tiles of porch but creeping indoors. Ive tried sprays & powders but no luck. Any other ideas welcome please.


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Try knocking the nest off into a bag or something, then you can dispose of it.
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Put the bag over the nest first! :o}
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you don't mean that 1ozzy, you seem such a nice guy....
Do u want to kill them or just move them?? X
move them i suspect, too many to kill, mind you don't get stung...
Know what I’d do .Put a mirror at the bottom of the inside door they will see a reflection of the outside door and turn round and go out side instead of going into the house Genius or what ?
Ozzy, doesn't the local authority have a pest control unit?
I would call a pest removal service, they are hungry at this time of the year so more likely to be aggressive
so would i call out pest control...

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