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Dog Dirt

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mallyh | 10:39 Sun 21st Mar 2021 | Animals & Nature
13 Answers
i've mentioned before about people letting their dogs poo in our alley which we have to move if we don't want car going through it that stinks out the garage , well we caught a man letting his dog mess and i went out to him and said please clean it up to which he replied i haven't got any bags .i offered him a plastic bag but he then said i'm not in the mood to clear it up and stormed off .we have him on camera which i told him .what would you do ? (i wasn't rude to him .)


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There's a very large fine available in our area for such crimes.
I'd pick it up and post it through his letterbox.
Report them ...not sure who to ... local police?
Same and report him to council. Maybe put up a fake camera and cctv sign as a deterrent
kick the *** out of him!
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we have two real cameras ,the thing is i know his wife and children .
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another woman shone her torch at the camera so we couldn't make her out even though we have her dog messing on film .
dog warden.
Follow this link through, bit long winded, but if your council is the same you can upload pictures.
uurrgghh i HATE this, scumbags. I would talk to the wife if she's a friend, and report to the dog warden
ps having had recent experience of being reported to the dog warden, i can tell you you don't need any proof (or even for it to be true!) in order for them to send a letter
Our council doesn't have a dog warden as such. A local rescue centre deals with strays but they will only collect dogs that have been caught & contained.

They ran a campaign a while ago where dog dirt was sprayed bright yellow & only cleared up at the end of each week It seemed to reduce the incidence of fouling.
You should have picked it up and put it in their pocket, saying, " I think you have forgotten this".

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