My grandchildren found an injured crow a few weeks ago.
Took it home and began nursing it back to health.
In no time it was like a pet, sitting on their shoulders to be fed.
Once recovered they took it to a sanctuary.
They were upset to see it go.
I know what you mean as she has depression and social anxiety but through her friendship with the Magpies she now has work in a similar field - that has to open up possibilities for her.
Not surprising how the magpies have helped her. They are very sociable and clever creatures, all the crow family are. My dad rehabilitated wildlife of all kinds and we had some long termers, a magpie called Maggie who could imitate the neighbour telling her dog off, a jackdaw and a rook called Nick who sat on the handle of my pram for hours 'watching over me'. They all had good vocabularies and were quite good mimics.