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Doggies Ears

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bunnaaay5 | 22:33 Sun 18th Dec 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers

I have recently got an English Springer Spaniel, inside his ears absolutely stinks - is this normal and can I do anything about it?



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Get him to a vet. It sounds like he may have an ear infection. Does he scratch at his ears, hold his head slightly askew, or shake his head allot? Floppy ears dogs get these more often than upright eared dogs, they harbor moisture inside and it can grow into bacteria and such. Dogs with allergies have a better chance for an ear infection also. Ears should smell like normal ear wax, no big deal. So if it smells bad like you say, Vetward ho!

Yep, I agree - it is not normal for ears to stink!

Go to your vet who will diagnose the problem and suggest treatment - ask them show you how to clean ears properly while you're there - this can prevent the problem recurring too often.

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Thanks for your help, I cleaned his ears out with not too much fuss and he doesn't scratch now. And his ears don't stink!

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