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Vet Hasn't Contacted Me

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Treacle71 | 07:26 Tue 02nd Aug 2022 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
My cat has corneal sequestrum in one of his eyes. The vet said she'd ring me when his eye drops for this condition were ready and this was last Thursday. I haven't heard a thing. What should I do? When I took my cat to see the vet originally she gave him painkillers and that's it and that's all I've been using.


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The only person who can tell you why it is taking so long, is the vet. Ring the vet and say you are wondering what is happening about the cat's eye drops.
09:39 Tue 02nd Aug 2022
Ring them.
If I am expecting a call from a professional and I have not received it within 24 hours I am back on that phone!
Why leave it so long!
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Well, I had wondered if the vet has to order the drops in or something?
Give them a ring - if the cat needs the drops its not fair that he/she has to wait for them.
Good Luck
The only person who can tell you why it is taking so long, is the vet.

Ring the vet and say you are wondering what is happening about the cat's eye drops.
Most veterinary supplies can be ordered and delivered later the same day or within 24 hours - if it is going to be longer they should be able to tell you.
Is your cat OK now Treacle?
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Hey ladybirder. Vet still hasn't got back to me about his eyedrops. I'm still giving him his daily painkiller which I have half left of and he's taking that well. He's actually been outside in the garden almost all the time. Think he's staying out there so as to avoid me taking him to the vets as he gets uber stressed at the vets, so I'm giving him some space. Will take him to the PDSA soon as I can't afford the vet bills either. Thank you for checking in on me/us! I shall report back if there is any more info. Nice of you to ask xxx
Thank you for your update Treacle. Glad to hear he's OK at the moment and hope he stays that way in spite of him still not having his eye drops. I think the PDSA will probably look after him better than your vet. Take care of yourself as well as him;-) xx
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Thank you, ladybirder xx

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