Our old working collie, Che ,is now semi retired (old age and arthritis- a bit like me) and now sleeps in the house instead of his kennel of straw. The thing is that he doesn't have his own personal den and sleeps where he wants to but he has taken to scraping up one or other of the rugs as though he's trying to make a nest.
Years ago we bought a basket for our rescue dog Friska who we brought back
from the Middle East and she would have nothing to do with it.It's been used as a laundry basket ever since.
Are there any does and don'ts about getting something that he's happy
with ? (also bearing in mind that the Old Farmer lives in dread of spending a penny unnessecarily) :-)
Yes - I had decided that since the new bed is a bit posh,I would experiment with coverings like old sheets and duvets
Anyway, it should be here in a couple of days and we shall see :-)