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Ideas For Cover Up For Bed

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fruitsalad | 12:37 Sat 24th Jun 2023 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
My dog sleeps on my bed, and usually I put a fleece blanket on top of the duvet, but it's far to warm for that, so wondering what else I could put on top of bedding to keep it clean, he doesn't shed so the problem is not hair.


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Have you got an old Cotten sheet? That would be cool.
A plain cotton sheet, maybe a size larger than the bed. I used this and it worked well for my dog who had quite an oily coat.
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Great idea thank you.
The idea of a size larger ensured the sheet remained in place no matter how many times the dog got on and off the bed :)
My small shorthaired dog sleeps on his pillow on the left side of the bed and I sleep with my head on my pillow on the righthand side. Sometimes in the winter he goes down under the covers and snuggles up to me. I don't mind. In fact I love it. He does go to the groomers for a wash and brush-up quite regularly.

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Ideas For Cover Up For Bed

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