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A Nice Ending

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JinnyJoan | 17:57 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers

A nephew I am not fussy on - had a dog (he didn't want it) his daughter insisted he got one.  Daughter doesn't live with him.  However I know he was not good to the dog.  And many time I brought the dog down food - my heart broke really did.

Anyway another brother accidentally left the back gate open and the dog got away.  This brother rang ???? I don't know like a rescue centre and the dog was there and because it was longer before they found out - Dog's Trust got it and it is now in England with I hope good parents.  I am so over the moon Yeeah.  !!!!



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Was the dog not microchipped?

how long before your nephew ran about his dog because I think the law is 2 weeks before an unclaimed dog can be rehomed.

Sorry I should have said it's good that the dog is elsewhere if it wasn't being cared for.

May I ask why you didn't report the neglect?

DDIL, the retention period in Great Britain is seven day and five in Ulster.

I hope it is a happy ending and the poor dog has gone to a good home.  I cannot understand how anyone can mistreat any animal. 

Thank you is that after they read the microchip and (a legal requirement) and contact the owner?

The council holds the dogs for 5 days and then they get put down or given to rescue centre so one would think that the rescue centre would also attempt to contact the owner 

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