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Had To Say Goodbye Today

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rockyracoon | 18:41 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers

To my beautiful Rodney. We got him as a rescue on what would have been 5 years tomorrow. He started going off his food about 3-4 weeks ago but ponced ours so thought he was being fussy. Turns out his liver and chest were riddled with cancer. He was just a month shy of 6 years old. We can't make sense of it at all and are utterly heartbroken



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Thank you on his behalf for 5 years of happiness. And condolences on your loss - losing a pet is agonising.

I am so sorry. We had to go through the same thing a few weeks ago with one of our cats, he was just short of 12 years old but the previous one we lost a few years ago was just 8 and he had cancer.   It is really heartbreaking to lose a family member.  Rodney will be pain free now which has to be a small comfort.

You gave him 5 years of good life.  If he could he'd have thanked you for that.

It must be a difficult time for you.

I am very sorry for your loss, those 5 years were full of love.

Remember that during this sad time x

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Thank you, all. He had a very good life, full of love and mischief. He will be so missed.

So sorry rocky. Its so hard to bear when we lose a dearly loved pet. It's not fair is it?...He took your love with him.. Wishing you strength at this sad time. ((X))


I'm so sorry, rocky. Keep the good memories and the knowledge that you gave him a good life. 

I am so sorry for your loss. I've been there myself and it is utterly heartbreaking. Please take comfort in the knowledge that he had a wonderful life with you and was so lucky to be rescued and loved by you.

Rocky, am so sorry. xx

I am really sorry to hear about Rodney. He was a very handsome-looking chap. I remember seeing a photo of him that you posted on FB—I think he was going on a trip to the beach.


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πŸ˜‚ He was indeed going to the beach. He absolutely loved it. Wouldn't go in the sea above the bottom of his stomach, but loved it all the same.

He was a beautiful boy πŸ’”

A stunning boy.

Condolences rocky. He was a lovely looking dog.

So sorry to hear that you have lost your very special four-legged friend. πŸ’”


So sorry to hear of your loss, Rocky. I know how much it hurts to loose your four legged friend. I feel for you. xx

Oh Rocky, been there done that so many times over my long life, all Rescues, and it doesn't get easier.  Thank you for picking him and loving him for all those years but a tragedy that he was so young when you lost him.  He loved and was loved, who can ask for more?

So deeply sorry. We understand, as will everyone who has ever lost a dog, - never mind a rescue dog - , to whom you have given a life and happiness. 

No words can make it stop hurting. Just know that we are there with you. xx

I feel for you, rocky. A sad time

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