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wild at heart

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lynneylou | 14:41 Mon 06th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
Has anyone been watchin Wild at heart on a Sunday evening on ITV? I would love to drop everything and go and live out there. I am hoping to go to Nairobi next year to the elephant orphanage, has anyone been???????????


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I have not been to Nairobi but have been to Sri Lanka and visited their elephant orphanage which was just wonderful, got to feed baby elephants with milk and walk a herd of elephants down to the river and get amongst them while they are bathing (supervised of course) really was a lovely day to see them all looked after but also there were some shocking sights where elephants had been maimed by poachers etc...which is a tragedy in itself...

Hope you have a wicked time...

RQ x

I lived and grew up in Nairobi in the 50/60s before tourism got hold! Mombasa was great then. Outside Nairobi there was Karl Hartley's game farm up in the Highlands, he had elephants, rhinos (baby ones running round free) and you could pat them. Enjoy yourself!

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