Bird in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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rogerr | 09:09 Sun 30th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Can anyone think of a bird that has three words 4,2 and 3 letters?

The clue is Flower, but these quizzes often have an error in them, so any bird name that fits will do--I'm that desperate!

Please help, I have been on this one for days.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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not really an answer Roger but fleur-de-lys springs to mind as a flower (course sometimes flower also means river)

.... don't know if there is a bird with the same name - or something de lys?? Sorry just a thought....

Double-Bar Finch

Ducking Dum Bird

this is all I can think of at the moment Good Luck

oops SORRY forgot about 4,2,3 I'll go back to the drawing board. Am still half asleep
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As it is a local quiz, the flower could be the river Nene, but I still can't get it.

Nene ?? ???

The Nene is also a type of goose, so there is the bird and river Nene connection but still doesn't go with anything else.
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Thanks all for trying, all suggestions are welcome so please don't give up.

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