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'toilet' training

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roverfidospo | 11:11 Mon 01st May 2006 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
my chocolate lab is 6 months old. She responds to 'hurry up' appropriately outside but she continues to wee and poo in the house. She may wee half an hour after weeing outside, and will do it in front of us. Sheknows she has done wrong, but we aren't able to stop her going to the toilet in the house. We wash the soiled area in biological wash powder but this doesn't stop her. Can you help us please?


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we have a 6 month setter and although hes pretty good we still have "accidents". We just ignore it and put him outside to his place where he goes. Dont shout or get cross coz its not worth it as she'll have forgotten why youre shouting. She could be marking her territory indoors as well as outside.

I suggest getting the dog listener book, it explains behaviour and how train and is brilliant.

It is true that hitting your dog is not the solution however stern words are necessary and if you rub the dogs nose in the accident site, it will remember why you are yelling because it will be able to smell it. The previous suggestion of always taking the dog to the same place to oblete in the yard is useful also. Positive reinforcement when the dog does go outside is also necessary.
You should take her outside to wee or poop immediately after anything such as eating,drinking ,sleeping,playing .
Take her to same spot each time so that the smell of the spot will remind her what she should be doing.After performance play with her for a little and praise all the time ..perhaps a small treat.Lady dogs do take a while to gain control of their bladders. The best thing to do if she does have an accident indoors is completely ignore her and just hustle her outside to her "spot "straight away.
Try and find a dog urine neutraliser at the pet shop.This will kill the smell completely and not mask it. Dogs have a super sense of smell and washing powder won't mask the smell of where she has been before.
They are like kids really have to be on the ball with their functions but unfortunately you can't run around behind them with a potty !
Good luck with her ..I am sure she will soon settle.

Go to

and read the Potty training advice in that "behavior" section, this may give you clues on how, and why, your dog is having difficulties...anytime your dog soils in your home it's your fault not the dogs. She may not know she is doing wrong, she only gets a guilty look because she anticipates when you get home that your gonna yell at her (if you have done so in the past)or when she sees or hears the tone in your voice when you "point" out the accident, (depending on what you do when you find or see the accident). Please read the forum info on this at the website I've given, it will enlighten you I hope and give you some help on how to remedy the situation.

do not put her nose in it, that sentence and Positive reinforcement don't belong in the same paragraph.

FYI: Make sure a vet has checked her out, to rule out medical (like crystal or a UTI), she may also loose her bowels if she has sep.anxiety, depending on when this happens.

Hi, i have read that you should not punish them for doing so. This is because they associate it as being told off and therefore may just do it when you are not around. As shaneystar2 says: take her out after drinking, eating etc quite frequently and praise a lot if she does wee or poo outside. Soon she should understand where she is suppose to do it and will notice she gets attention if she does so outside.

Never, ever rub a dog's nose in it when it goes indoors. Not only is it cruel and barbaric, it is totally ineffective. It will only make her frightened and timid and probably make her wee herself even more.

Get her checked by the vet to make sure there is no physiological reason for it, then read the books/visit the websites suggested here, and follow the advice.

Drgndr - you got there before me. Was sitting here thinking 'oh dear this person needs to go to OrangeDog forum'

roverfidospo I do highly recommend you visit the website given by Drgndr as it's excellent. I had a very similar problem to yours a month or so ago and I went to the website and am now a regular user. It's excellent for doggy advice etc. Especially with having a new pup. As Drgndr said ensure you get your girl checked by a vet (take a urine sample) as we discovered our 6 month girl had crystals and that was the reason why she needed a wee every 1hr or so. Since having her treated she's much better and she can hold it now no probs.

- Seriously pop by.... hope to see you there

Ha HA happy...that's whatcha get for sitting there....

We have to watch how many we send there..before ya know it, it will be too busy for the 2 resident trainers and we won't have time for 1 on 1 advice...

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