Some cats do this ... they rush their food and then are sick. If your cats is one of these then the best thing to do is give her a little food .. wait a while and then give her a little more. >P>.You don't say how long you have had your cat or how long she has been doing this. If you have had her for a while and she has only just started to be sick then I would take her to the Vets.
One of our cats is now nearly 9 years old, and had always been sick within 5 minutes of eating. He did tend to bolt his food, and as wet cat food is invariably cold, it couldnt settle on his stomach. We now feed him a complete dry food mix, which he has to eat slowly, and he hasnt been sick for a year now.
Moonhead is right - dry food is so much better for them, as tinned food is made up of about 90% water. Before you feed your cat, you should try and get them to eat a bit of grass as this naturally helps their digestive system. If they are sick, they often go looking for grass to eat as it clears their stomach.
another reason is when a female has been neutured the old inherited memory kicks in and the regurgitated food is for their non-existent offspring , or if their close to you its for yourself !
to lennon..cats n dogs eat grass to clean up their insides , grass makes them sick cos they cant digest it.... harmonica it could also be a protest try giving something totally diff straight after throwing...miao
Our cat used to do exactly the same thing, and our vet told me to simply raise the cats feeding bowl, we used a paint tin (as it was handy) placed the bowl on the top and from that day on he was never sick again.
The vet said it often happens with older cats, the neck is bent whilst feeding and the food builds up and then when the cat straightens up after feeding, the sheer amount of food cannot go down so it has to come up....
Good luck