hi. I got an 8 week old kitten yesterday at 3 o clock, and she hasnt been to the toilet yet, she seems happy enough bouncing around and exploring but i'm a bit worried because she hasnt even been for a wee. She didnt eat either for a good 5 or 6 hours last night then i had to feed her by hand to get her started, then she started eating out of her bowl, but hasnt touched another bite yet, that was last night. we kept her in the bedroom with us last night when we slept so i know she hasnt eaten anything else or been to the loo. she is litter trained and eating solids, but she has shown little progress. She seems happy enough, all she wants to do is play and sleep. how do i get her to go to the toilet and eat some more food, she has drank plenty of water, surely she must need the loo soon.
She is still quite young. Mother cats stimulate their kittens into weeing and pooing by licking the babe's nether regions. Now, I am not suggesting you do this, but get a piece of cotton wool, dampen it with warm water and very gently rub around her anus. She might find she will produce very quickly!!
I would only really worry if she hasn't eaten at all in the coming days. 24 hours is as far as anorexia should go in a cat. Remember that your house is really exciting because kittens love to explore. She might be too busy to eat, and then to tired to bother. I think that she may have found a corner to releave herself in, but if you are certain then i would suggest a vet check. If she is 8 weeks you can start her first kitty vaccines as well.