My cat brought a mouse into our house last night. He didn't injury it escaped into one of the bedrooms. We have searched for it everywhere. My question is, if it was a pregnant female would the sibling mate? I'm worried that in a few week we could be overrun with mice
Yes, mice will breed with their brothers and sisters. Hopefully having a cat will either deter your visitor from staying or keep the population down anyway as Puss will kill them all!
I made the same remark about having a mouse in the house to a friend and she laughed 1 mouse she said oh no there bring their brothers and sisters aunts and uncles and she was right within the next 3 weeks I has caught 20. In a humane trap I then took them a car ride about 2 miles away and released them.
thanks for the answers, i suppose I should go and buy some humane traps straight away. My cat is such a hunter, he had a huge magpie by the leg the other morning.