In the 18th century, a woman's shawl or scarf of a light material? (5 letters) Hebrew patriarch whose sons were regarded as the ancestors of all races of humankind? (4 letters) The shortened title of a well-known work by Laurence Sterne? (8,6 letters) Members of the collective body of those ordained as religious ministers of the Christian church? (7 letters) Large aquatic rodent native to North America? (7 letters) Globe shaped glass container in which plants are grown? (9 letters) Leopard-like cats of southern North America, Central America, and northern South America? (7 letters) Mammals with long snouts for feeding on termites, etc.? (9 letters) An Old World lizard? (5 letters) The state capital of Alaska? (6 letters) The god of fire in Roman mythology? (6 letters) A plank of softwood timber of fir or pine? (4 letters) Finch resembling a linnet but sometimes with a pink rump? (5 letters) Buying and selling stocks in the hope of gain but with the possibility of loss? (11 letters) One of three ships commanded by Columbus on his first voyage to America? (5 letters) Ericaceous shrub yielding small red acid fruit? (9 letters) Riddles, especially those making a play on words? (10 letters) A novel by George Eliot telling of a carpenter who loves Hetty Sorrel? (4, 4 letters) Aromatic spice from the bark of a SE Asian tree? (8 letters) Venue in southern Germany of the match between England and Trinidad and Tobago at the end of the first week of the World Cup 2006? (9 letters) Members of the highest class in society; the nobility? (11 letters)
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I don't agree with copying someone elses work but you seem unable to find the answers any other way so why not ?