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mad cat's

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mccfluff | 02:43 Sun 10th Sep 2006 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
does any elses cat jump on keyboard, i'm having real trouble typing this cos she will not leave me alone, i'm having to reach over her, she's sitting on the m342]4


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*keyboard* she sat on the enter key!
I have the same problem mccfuff with my cat he walks up and down on the keyboard then rubs his face along the side of the monitor ! you have to get up in the end......
Oh yes! My cat does this and seems to do it more when I'm trying to do something really important. The other thing is that she can be out of the room but seems to know exactly when I'm going to use the computer!
I have this problem too. I think a lot of people do - check out this site for some kitties making the most of technology:
Cats are crazy! I remember years ago when we had a little black cat, one day we had some elderly, stuffy aunts visiting and we were playing Scrabble. It was getting really intense and as I leaned forward over the coffee table to put my "winning" word on the board, cat, who unknown to any of us was sitting under the table, suddenly thought what good fun it would be to grab my fingers as I put the letters down, I leapt about 3 feet in the air, letters and board went everywhere and I don't think my language impressed the aunts too much.
They're all mad, I don't know where this 'aloof cats' myth came from. My little she-cat in her lifetime galloped to the 'phone immediately it rang then purred and and bit the receiver and generally made a damn fool of herself while I was trying to talk to the caller. Same thing when I played the piano, I think when they love you they just like to be involved in what you're doing. Our surviving cat is an elderly Siamese and at 16 he's even madder than the other one one...
I always wanted a dog and when I was 16 (1980) we got a big dog, bull-mastiff/GSD mix. Looked like and acted like Scooby Doo. When he died I got another cross breed.

Five years ago, when my second dog died, I was ill and still trying to work full-time and decided that a cat would be easier to look after.

George arrived and after about a week I tried to give him back to the Cats Protection, I was depressed before I got him - but after the first week I was a wreck. I even emailed the samaritans I was so freaked out. He ran around the house screaming and opening cupboard doors. He would lock himself in cupboards and nearly hanged himself from the blinds by putting his head through the cord and jumping off the window ledge at the same time (maybe it was a cry for help!)

However he turned out to be a nice cat, if you like evil, psychopathic and vicious thugs. He died recently and when I do some renovations to my house I am going to get another cat, or two.

Dogs are great company and loving, but cats are never boring. You never know what the little monsters are going to do next. They look so cute, but are fiends.

How many friends do we have that hiss and growl at us, bite us and claw us and we still love them? 1_orig.jpg George Malcolm.

Yes, one of my cats likes to walk all over the keyboard, too...
Recently she ended a game, that I had really gotten into, and never had gotten as many points before...

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