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Cat brings in mice half dead

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luckyeight | 23:06 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
And drops them on the floor. They are obviously going to die, but what is the most humane thing to do - take them away from the cat and put them outside to die, or let the cat play with them and toss them around until they die?
Which is quickest/best/least suffering for mouse?


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Take them off your cat and kill them quickly yourself. Either letting your cat play with them or leaving them to die on there own (that could take ages), is prolonging their agony.

If it's any consolation your cat's doing it because he/she loves you and it's your 'present'.
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I wondered if I should maybe kill them to just end their suffering - but how would I do it? I have no idea and have never done that. What is the best way to just kill them really quickly without them suffering?
I know its horrid, but my hubby just (god its really horrid) hits them with a mallet. Quick and over with. I hate it, but I would rather that than the hours of torment that the cat would put them thro.
kill em immediately lucky8 (cool name by the way!), mallet seems to be the quickest option. Maybe popping it into a carrier bag 1st????

Like lankeela says, its horrible but it's preferable to your 'adorable' kitty playing with it for hours :-(
i suggest you try and get them to enter a village truck pull, that should finish them off :-p
why on earth did I say lankeela when I obviously meant bollie (hello again by the way)

Boo, get a grip woman!
I live in a city centre and my cat never got out but I did feel a little guilty that he wasn't out and prowling.

But after reading this post I am not so sure. Having said that I don't think that the late George would have been able to catch anything.

He had previously been a stray and was mooching food off nice humans, he was in a terrible state and the Cats Protection felt that he wasn't one of god's 'natural hunters'.

I frisk my two little darlings at the door....I'd sooner get up and down to let them in than accept their "gifts" lol
I'd try revival. I put one half dead mouse in the oven once. Door open, low heat, like an incubator. In aboyt 10 minutes he was off and running again.
They do recover quite well. Just try keeping them warm, quiet & safe for a while.
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Quite traumatised by both the oven and the mallet options, but thanks for all responses... Most of the little animals the cat brings in die of shock but some are clearly on their way out and I would like to be able to end their suffering.. I have a friend who says it is the circle of life and nature's way and I just leave the cat to get on with it. Just a bit sad when you've got a mouse convulsing on the kitchen rug and the cat wanting to swat it about impressing you...

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Cat brings in mice half dead

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