I have a peace lily which has been living healthily for two months but has started to look a bit sorry. The leaves which started out a lush green, have faded and some have gone yellow. The flowers which are normally white have gone green. I water it regularly and it gets lots of sunlight. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
It must not have full sun, for a start. It should be away from direct sunlight. As to watering the soil must be just damp; overwatering kills more houseplants than most other things; but not allowed to dry out completely. If you have hard water ( i.e. you get limescale in kettles easily) this may be a factor; rain water should be used if the plant is sensitive to alkalinity; but it seems that too much light and water are the likely causes
if you bought it two months ago, it sounds like it may have finished flowering for the present. I have one and the floweres turn from white to green before they die. Cut off all the dying bits, put it outside in the shade, water carefully and add some feed to the water. It should rest a while then start to produce again. FredPuli is right though, they don,t like full sun or wet feet