We've got a rescued female sheltie. She is losing loads of hair. Is this normal? I know they shed their coats but was amazed at the amount of hair which comes off with each daily groom.
Hi, my friend has a Rough collie so I asked her advice...she said could it be that the dog has just not been groomed much [before you rescued her] so that what you may be seeing is a residual hair loss. Hopefully this should settle down once you get her into a grooming routine. If you haven't had her long it may also be a little stress related. If she has come from a rescue center I would hope that she has been properly checked so it shouldn't be a major health problem! This site does mention hair loss though so take a look.
Welcome to the real world! Unfortunately this is a regular ococurence with Shelties, although it could be worse if she is due to come in season. Also she may have come into your nice warm centrally heated house, and decided to take her coat off.