Ok, my sister has a pet rabbit, well hes more a pet devil and im not joking. He has attacked her Staffie Cross, aswell as attacking their Jack Russell pup when he was 8 month old and ripped open his stomach leaving him in the vets for a few days. He has launched himself out of his hutch when my sisters Missus was feeding him and attached himself to the back of her leg, leaving her with a big cut. They now have to resort to having signs in the house saying not to go out and let the rabbit out, or even let the dogs out in the garden as the rabbit chases them til they jump on the trampoline and wont come down for ages.
My sister & her Missus also have 3 kids, hence the signs as theres alot of kids round there house all the time. She will not rehome the rabbit, for the fact that it is unsafe and my sister would not put any one else at risk, but she doesnt want to have to keep it as believe it or not, the rabbit rules the garden!
well since he sounds quite dangerous,especially with children.i think you should think about putting him down or something.
sorry,i know what its like to be in that situation!its not nice but neither is the rabbit.
She ha mentioned the thought of having him put down, but she just doesnt have the heart to i dont think! Me & her both know she needs something drastic done though.
& as for rehoming him in a adult only house, my sisters fiance who he attacked is an adult, and all she did was open the cage to feed him and he ripped er leg to shreds!
If your sister can't bare the thought of putting him to sleep or cannot rehome him, is there not any wooded areas or fields close by where she can set him free. rabbits are tough little critters and it certainly sounds like that one can look after himself!
Don't release it into the wild, tame/domesticated Rabbits usually just end up being killed by dogs, fox's or birds of prey as they have never been used to these creatures trying to kill it, so has little natural instinct that tells it to be wary of these creatures.
lol ratter, Gawd help the dog or fox that meets that thing by the sounds of it!
As much as I'm an animal over, I would seriously consider nagging your sister to have the rabbit put to sleep. I had a vicious rabbit as a child and I can still remember how painful that 'things' bite was. You say there's always lots of children aorund the house? Frankly, I wouldnt risk it to be honest.