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Goat and 2 kids

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LynnBidd | 18:50 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
We have taken in 2 abandonned goat and she ha now given birth to 2 kids, can we keep male, female and kids in same area or should male be separated?


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They can be kept together but have the make castrated or you will have more kids
Should say male :)
You have to keep them together for the kids to feed! If the male is to be ringed, it should be done in the first few days of life.
One thing to look out for is the kids arching their backs - if this should happen, check the yellow sticky faeces have not coagulated and blocked the anus. It does happen. Thankfully, all you need is some rubber gloves........!
It's lovely to watch little kids gambolling in the spring. Mum of course needs good food and plenty of water, warmed if you are feeling kindly.
Take lots of pictures!

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