Probably rather late in answering but yes of course I believe you and this is happening here at this moment in Tasmania Australia where we have a crow called the Tasmanian Raven.
On Tuesday there came huge flocks of ravens flying into and out of the trees opposite my place. This went on for most of the afternoon This also happened about three years ago but normally we have a few pairs of crows resident.. so to see these huge numbers is amazing. Last time after they had finished their meeting they all flew away in groups and different directions but this time a lot of them have stayed around ( day 3)and are feeding in the paddocks As it is lambing time I asked my landlord if they were bothering the ewes but he said that they weren't and he thought that because of the recent rains the grubs were coming up to the surface. It is only in bad years that they attack the newborn lambs and pluck their eyes or tongues out after being attracted to the gleam of the afterbirth... the ravens also eat roadkill and do a great service by keeping the road clean as we have many possum and wallaby killed by cars.. I will follow up the links given in hope of an answer to what they are talking about. One thing I do know is that the crows as a species are very intelligent