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I don't really want to scare dogs. I just want to be able to get from the bus stop to my front door.
I have a dog phobia, it is not a dislike for dogs in anyway I I'd hate any harm to come to any dogs, it's just this overwhelming fear that more and more rules my life. I can't walk out of a shop if someone ties a dog to the door, if I try I completely breakdown. I now know that there are 3 dogs on my way from the bus stop-home and their owners sometimes just let them out without a lead or anything, so now I cannot get to my front door without nearly passing out (it's like my throat swallows and I can't breathe properly).
I'm a confident, practical, reasonable person and really hate this side of myself. It is pathetic for a 29 year old to be scared of dogs and when there are no dogs around I always give myself this great speech about what I'm going to next time, but it never works.
I'm also afraid of dogs that don't exist (completely insane, I know). If I have to walk down a quiet street with not many people around or somewhere for me to get into, I imagine dogs everywhere, I can even hear them. I'm not a wacko, I promise! (I hear you say 'right, whatever...')
To try and make myself feel a bit better and give more confidence I thought I could get myself one of those rape alarms that let out this really loud noise. Not that I would necessarily use it, but just to make me feel safer. It's cheaper than having to get taxis all the time!
I bet none of you were expecting that for an answer!