U have 2 wonderful Tibetan Spaniels who are the loevs of my life. Gizzmo 5 and Gadget 2. Gizzmo is neutered but not Gadget. This is not a problem as they are great pals, play constanty and are very well behaved. Gadget has often mounted Gizzmo but just for a few seconds and he has never tried to mount anything or one else!! I have noticed over the last few weeks (I will try and put this delicatly!!) his mountings have become more frantic. He seems a little desperate. I really do not want to neuter as I nearlt lost Gizzmo with the anesthetic and as this is a common breed problem I dont want to risk an unessential operation. Is my baby unhappy or uncomfotable?
Mounting other dog is not only sexual it can be sign that Gadget is showing signs of dominance over Gizmo. My 12week old puppy is trying it on with my 16year old dog who is deaf and part blind.
Try to distract Gadget when he starts mounting. Are there other signs that he wants to be top dog?i.e. Standing over Gizmo with his neck over Gizmo's neck
You could ask your vet to try Tardac, which is an injection which has the same effect as castration. Don't know about the long term use of it though, as it is usually used to see whether castration would help a situation.
Also ask your vet about the very quick acting and reversible anaesthetics.