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Neilzulu1 | 16:04 Wed 07th Mar 2007 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
can anybody tell me what to do regarding a kitten,it doesnt belong to any of the neighbours,and every time i go out it tries to run in my house,i cant have my living room window open as it tries to climb in.i havnt encouraged it as i am not a pet person as i have 5 children,so how can i stop it .any help would be great.


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Can you get to your local vets? I know ours takes in all sorts of waifs and strays.... it's so cold outside at the moment that I think sooner rather than later would be a good idea :-)
or a local cat rescue in your local phone book?
Where are you?
Phone an animal rescue place to come and get him or catch him and take him to one yourself. They will scan him to see if he's microchipped and if not they will try to rehome him. If you live in South London or Kent I can recommend the Celia Hammond Animal Trust but there are loads - RSPCA, Battersea, Cats Protection League etc.
yep :-) and if you're in Wales near Camarthen Llanelli Many Tears will take her/him.
Firstly put a big notice on your front fence or gate describing the kitten and saying that if nobody claims it, it will be taken to the RSPCA, just in case it does belong to somebody who is neglecting it. But please don't leave this poor little thing outside at night, even if hyou're not a pet person. It is far too cold still, and if we have a frost it may not survive, especially if it hasn't been fed properly.
Ahhhhh! poor little baby. It is probably scared and hungry.
Take him/her to an animal rescue place so he/ she can get a medical check and find a forever home. Life on the streets is very hard for animals especially little kittens.
If you don't know of any local animal charities or rescue centres, your local vet certainly will. If you post what area you live in, one of us might be able to give you some local info. Please don't let the poor thing spend the night outside...if it is tiny it may not survive.
Buy a big Alsation!
my sister has had this problem the last couple of days!
her fiances kid brought back a cat that was very disorientated and they think its blind as it just keeps walking into stuff.
They have 2 dogs that arent used to cats, and 3 people in the house are very very allergic to cats!
She phoned the local Cats protection League today and they said they dont have any spare boxs atm, and to call them back saturday!
I told her to take it to the vets, but she was worried she would have to pay, but as far as i know & from experience, if its not your cat, they dont charge you.
So she is taking it to the vets tomorrow :)
This happened to me with a grown cat about two years ago.
He ended up staying for a year, until he was run over by a car... :o(
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thanks for all your replies,we havnt seen the kitten for a couple of days now so hopefully someone has taken it in.
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