No, but then I'm sceptical of herbal medication, whether on people or animals. I mean, if they really worked then the pharmaceutcal companies would use them, yeah? Sorry if I haven't helped, Auz, but do you believe there is anything in all this 'herbal' stuff?
No i don't Romeo. I just don't want to pay Vet bills. Just charged us �55 to listen to the horses chest. He was already at the stables visting somebody elses horses. I know we can ask him for a prescription for Bute but it would be good to have an alternative to chemicals.
It depends on the horses problem bute is anti inflamatory and good for lameness, though using it to calm a hyperactive hore could cause heart strain if ridden. I tried a herbal calming branded product for a pony that was restless in the trailer. It was � down the drain it made no difference.
Thanks for your replies. My Husbands horse sustained a good kick on the leg (might be Tendon, so Vet may need to call out anyway). The stable yard owner had some Bute and it seemed effective but obviously it's not a cure. Fingers crossed it's not Tendon!!